Monday, March 15, 2010

Moving, I love the change!

This weekend was filled with lots of moving,change and great company. We moved from our two Bedroom, third story apartment into a house with double the space,we are sharing the house for a temporary time to save some Mula and get into our own home. I Love the change and new experiences moving brings.
Last year my hubby and I moved five times, no not just for the fun of it! it was out of necessity, but we loved that feeling of newness of each placed we lived in. Looking back I wouldn't change one day, moving around so many times forced us to face selfish things in ourselves and in our relationship. With God on our side the whole experience enriched our marriage and depend our love for one another,and we are better today because of it.

Thank you to everyone who helped us move and helped me organize things as we are getting ready for this new little bundle of joy to arrive!

P.S. You can check out the heart stones in the picture above HERE


Love Stitched said...

Found from the forums! Love your shop!
Feel free to stop by mine :)


Chelsea said...

Love Stitched---Thank you! I will def. check out yours :)